The game ‘Stan, the Dreamer’ gains a MSX 2 version thanks to the TPM SCUMSX2! | By MSXALL
The group The Pets Mode, led by Rafel Pérez (JamQue), in 2013 entered the game 'Stan, the Dreamer'in the MSXDev'13 contest, in which it ranked 5th place. A few years later, the game was re-released alongside with Hans’ Adventure. Just now, almost a decade later from its original debut, a new version of the game is released, new revised to run on MSX 2 computers. As expected, this newest released comes with great improvements, renewed graphic set, dialogues, and exclusive SCC music by Toni Cano. The graphics work of the game, in special, deserve honorable mention. Signed by the graphic artist Fran Barrionuevo, the background images were produced on beautiful shades of gray concept, bringing the game experience to an innovative delightful level.

But, there is more about this game project than our eyes can see...
This new version of the game is the result of a long work that took over four years in collaboration with the artist Alejandro Bernat. In 2018, Alejandro came across The Pets Mode on a Telegram channel about MSX. He then showed Rafael an amazing script and they begun talking about a lot of ideas around a potentially great adventure game they could build together. That's how Rafael's new PC tool project, called TPM SCUMSX2 Adventure Game Editor, came to life. Basically, the game 'Stan, the Dreamer' for MSX 2 version was used as their proof of concept before they pursue building the great adventure wrote by Alejandro (yet to come).
Purely written in C++, the TPM SCUMSX2 Adventure Games Editor was created to produce optimized MSX code in assembler towards the construction of graphic game adventures. It is a full-featured development engine, in the style of the classic Sierra, that based on what we can see in the Stan, the Dreamer is extremely powerful and very well constructed.
Many platforms, including the MSX, have a very large legions of fans devoted to adventure games. Now, with the inception of the TPM SCUMSX2, the hopes that a new era may be about to begin around this game genre is at its highest. We expect new game creators may soon gain access to this new Adventure Games Editor and take advantage of such a great engine to produce a new supply of creative adventure games that, beyond the entertainment they normally provide, may come with new gorgeous visuals screens, music, intelligent dialog, and other new cool features the new tool may may provide that we are yet to be introduced to.
About the game 'Stan, the Dreamer'
The game Stan, the Dreamer is a graphic adventure in the style of the famous and traditional LucasArts SCUMM games, or the classic King's Quest by Sierra. It can be played with mouse, joystick, or keyboard, and it is available for download at
Stan sleeps in his room… He dreams about his favorite book: "Treasure Hunt", a world where there are apples in strange forests, a witch jealously guards the key to the treasure, a mysterious house is blessed by a sacred idol, and the bridges are magical...
Stan has to go up, turn left, go down and left again... Well, dreams are dreams!
Game Specifications:
- Graphics: Screen 5
- Sound: SCC & PSG
- Code: MSX Z80 Assembler (built using the TPM SCUMSX2)
- Size: 256Kb ROM (requires 16Kb RAM)
- Idiom: Spanish
Game Production:
- Code: Rafel Perez - JamQue (@jamqueTPM), Napalm
- Graphics: Fran Barrionuevo (@frangalaxy8)
- Music: Toni Cano
- Released by: The Pets Mode
- Release date: June, 25th 2022

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